How to AFK Rune Farm in Elden Ring (2024)

If You want to farm some quick runes to level up your first character or If you are a Veteran Elden ring Player with NG+7 this AFK rune farm will help you at any stage in the game.

With the latest Elden Ring DLC, the Shadow of the Erdtree Elden ring has gained a tremendous amount of new players and tons of returning players who are trying out the new DLC. Since Elden Ring is a Souls Like Game It’s Primary In-game Currency is definitely souls, but In this Game, they are known as Runes.

You can purchase anything and everything with Runes Exceptions being some incantations that you can purchase with dragon heart but that’s another topic. Furthermore, If you want to level up your character to the max level (713) then you will need roughly 1.6B runes, that’s a lot of runes to farm manually.

So If you are like me and you want to find the fastest and easiest way possible to level up your character then I have got You covered. In this guide, I will discuss two of the oldest Rune farm methods that every Elden ring Player has heard of, it’s none other than the Mohgwyn Palace Bird killing Method and Golden Shower rune Method.

Autohotkey for AFk Rune Farming Method

Before explaining both methods first we need to explain the application we are going to use. To Run these configs you need to download an Application called Autohotkey Although the app is completely safe use it at your own risk, I have no affiliation with Autohotkey or their company. But I have been using this application for a long time, and till now I haven’t faced any issues.

You can simply search on Google “Autohotkey download” and the official site should be on top of the search results visit that site and follow the instructions to download on your preferred devices. If You can’t download the application none of these methods are going to work so it is kind of a major requirement for AFK rune farming.

AFK Rune farm from Mohgwyn Palace Bird Killing Method

I am gonna Describe the Bird-killing method first because it is the easiest and every early-game character can access this method the second one is much more efficient but you need to kill the Elden Beast, the Last Boss of the Game to get that sword reacquired for the second method. So now that is out of the way Let’s Talk about the first method.

Item Requirement

AFK Rune Farm in Elden Ring
Image Source: From-Software

Key Bind Settings

AFK Rune Farm in Elden Ring
Image Source: From-Software
Camera ControlsKeys
Move Camera / Change Target (Up)I
Move Camera / Change Target (Down)K
Move Camera / Change Target (Left)J
Move Camera / Change Target (Right)L
Reset Camera, Lock On / Remove TargetF
AFK Rune Farm in Elden Ring
Image Source: From-Software
Attack & MenuKeys
Use ItemR
Event Action (Examine, Open, etc.)E

Autohotkey Script for AFK rune farming in Elden Ring (Bird)

 birdkey := "p"  ; First phase
 birdkey := "y"  ; Second Phase using alternate arrows 
     ; Done, walk back to grace
 Send "{l down}"   ; Rotate character toward grace
 Sleep 200     ; rotation amount
 Send "{l up}"
 Sleep 300
 Send "{w down}"   ; Walk back toward grace
 Sleep 1800     ; walk distance
 Send "{w up}"
 Exit 0

  Loop 700{   ; loop n times
   Send "{g down}"  ; Reload Area
   Sleep 100
   Send "{g up}"  
   Sleep 200
   Send "{f down}"
   Sleep 100
   Send "{f up}"
   Sleep 100
   Send "{e down}"
   Sleep 100
   Send "{e up}"
   Sleep 300
   Send "{e down}"
   Sleep 100
   Send "{e up}"
   Sleep 4000    ; Wait 4.000 seconds for load to complete
   Send "{j down}"  ; Rotate character toward cliff
   Sleep 528     ; rotation amount
   Send "{j up}"
   Send "{w down}"  ; Walk toward cliff
   Sleep 1800    ; walk distance
   Send "{w up}"
   Send "{e down}" ; Pick up runes if character died previously
   Sleep 50
   Send "{e up}"
   Send "{k down}"  ; Look down
   Sleep 215   
   Send "{k up}"
   Send "{j down}"  ; Turn slightly toward bird
   Sleep 55   
   Send "{j up}"
   Send "{q down}"  ; Target bird
   Sleep 100
   Send "{q up}"
   Sleep 500

   Send "{LCtrl down}" ; Shoot bird
   Sleep 500   
   Send "{" birdkey " down}"
   Sleep 100
   Send "{" birdkey " up}"
   Send "{LCtrl up}" 
   Sleep 3050    ; Wait for arrow to hit
   Send "{q down}"  ; Detarget bird
   Sleep 100   
   Send "{q up}"  
   Sleep 3000  ; Wait for bird to run off edge

   Send "{l down}"  ; Rotate view away from cliff (wasting time)
   Sleep 700     ; rotation amount
   Send "{l up}"  
   Sleep 2300    ; wait for runes to collect

F10::  ; Stop active scripts

This Method has a Rune Protection so that if your character dies for some reason it will auto-collect the previously dropped rune.

How to Run The Script

First of all copy the code from above then launch AutoHotkey. Click on the “New Script” then give it a name, Something like “Bird Killing”. Click on “Edit” and it will ask you to choose which editor you want to use you can choose your preferred editor, I used the Notepad editor. After opening the editor paste the code the code that you copied earlier then save it or click ctrl + s on your keyboard together it will automatically save.

After saving the script close all the applications and then right-click on the script and Run as Administrator. If You have done everything correctly it should show on the taskbar notification area, you can check it by clicking on the show hidden icons menu.

After opening the script correctly open up Elden Ring and go to the Mohgwyn Palace Site of Grace where the Bird is located. Now click on F9 on your keyboard and it should automatically move your character and start farming the rune. If you want to stop the script just press F10, but I recommend pressing your F10 Button while you see the loading screen so that your character will not run off the cliff or do something weird.

AFK Rune farm from Mohgwyn Palace Albinaurics Killing Method

If you are familiar with the bird-killing method then you already know everything about this method but If you don’t know about the Bird Killing Method it should not be a big issue because this method is relatively easier and faster. The major downside of this farming is getting the weapon. You have to kill the Final Boss of Elden Ring in order to get the required weapon.

Item Requirement

AFK Rune Farm in Elden Ring
Image Source: From-Software

Key Bind Settings

AFK Rune Farm in Elden Ring
Image Source: From-Software
Camera ControlsKeys
Move Camera / Change Target (Up)I
Move Camera / Change Target (Down)K
Move Camera / Change Target (Left)J
Move Camera / Change Target (Right)L
Reset Camera, Lock On / Remove TargetF
AFK Rune Farm in Elden Ring
Image Source: From-Software
Attack & MenuKeys
Use ItemE
Event Action (Examine, Open, etc.)R

Autohotkey Script for AFK rune farming in Elden Ring (Albinaurics)

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
CoordMode, Mouse, Window
SendMode Event
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1

    WinActivate, ELDEN RING™ ahk_class ELDEN RING™
    Sleep, 333
    Loop, 10

        Send, {g Down}
        Sleep, 150
        Send, {g Up}
        Sleep, 600
        Send, {f Down}
        Sleep, 94
        Send, {f Up}
        Sleep, 500
        Send, {e Down}
        Sleep, 31
        Send, {e Up}
        Sleep, 500
        Send, {e Down}
        Sleep, 62
        Send, {e Up}
        Sleep, 5600

        Send, {j Down}
        Sleep, 120
        Send, {j Up}
        Sleep, 800
        Send, {w Down}
        Sleep, 5000
        Send, {w Up}
        Sleep, 312
        Send, {j Down}
        Sleep, 250
        Send, {j Up}
        Send, {w Down}
        Sleep, 50
        Send, {w Up}

        Send, {q Down}
        Sleep, 80
        Send, {q Up}
        Sleep, 8000

    WinActivate, ELDEN RING™ ahk_class ELDEN RING™


How to Run The Script

First of all copy the code from above then launch AutoHotkey. Click on the “New Script” then give it a name, Something like “Golden Shower”. Click on “Edit” and it will ask you to choose which editor you want to use you can choose your preferred editor, I used the Notepad editor. After opening the editor paste the code the code that you copied earlier then save it or click ctrl + s on your keyboard together it will automatically save.

After saving the script close all the applications and then right-click on the script and Run as Administrator. If You have done everything correctly it should show on the taskbar notification area, you can check it by clicking on the show hidden icons menu.

After opening the script correctly open up Elden Ring and go to the Mohgwyn Palace Site of Grace where the Albinaurics are located. Now click on F9 on your keyboard and it should automatically move your character and start farming the rune. If you want to stop the script just press F10, but I recommend pressing your F10 Button while you see the loading screen so that your character will not run off the cliff or do something weird.

There you go, If you have done everything correctly then you shouldn’t face any issues. I will post a YouTube video Link If you prefer to follow the visual guide then you can click on that link and I will explain everything in that video If you have something to say you can comment on the video section and I will reach you as soon as possible.

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